The Ratboys came to Cleveland this past week. The tour is following their newest album, “The Window” which was released in late August. This was their first big headlining tour after touring with acts such as Modest Mouse, Wilco, Julien Baker, and Beach Bunny. The evening started off with Free Range, who joined them as an opener for the tour. The DIY nature of the venue (unfinished walls and drawings/ stickers pasted on nearly every surface) actually turned out to be fitting for the Ratboys. It gave an even more punk feel to an already high-energy set. The room was almost completely full by the time the Ratboys took the stage and they got the whole crowd moving. It’s easy to see why anyone would come to see one of their shows.

Emma Fischer
Emma Fischer (she/her) is a graphic designer and photographer. More of Emma's work is at emmafischerdesign.com.