Soccer Mommy brought their Touring, Forever tour to the Fox Theater in Oakland and was joined by Canadian band, TOPS.
For those who’ve never heard of TOPS before, think of 80’s synth pop meets current indie rock. I had checked out a few of their songs before the show and discovered that I actually had one or two songs saved to my library on spotify. They played a great set and lead singer, Jane Penny used the entire stage to dance around and even showcased her flute playing skills with plenty of solos.

The stage was decorated with pastel colors and colorful clouds that lit up the stage. Sofie Allison had a very mousy and shy stage presence, speaking very quietly in between songs while tuning her guitar. I hadn’t heard much from the new album but the switch from playing a few grungy songs in the middle of the set along with the dark lighting, was a nice switch from the mellow, dreamy songs and the colorful array of lights. The crowd consisted of a variety of age groups, but mostly teens and twenty-something year olds taking over the front section of the pit. So many fans were holding up signs in the front row and an occasional yell from the crowd would shout “I love you Mommy!” during moments of silence, which you can tell was a little fun awkward moment for Sofie.
The show ended with an encore that consisted of the band walking off the stage for what seemed like less than a minute and they swiftly returned to their instruments to finish the night off with 2 more songs.
For anyone that wants to catch a mellow show that has the crowd singing and swaying along, this show is a must.